Saturday, 1 May 2010

A lovely letter from Viv Gunning

Dear Gillian, I saw the dreadful way you were belittled by Gordon Brown this past week, & feel so dreadfully sorry for your embarrasement. Maybe what happened to you will bring the politicians to their senses, for I believe Gordon Brown doesn't feel sorry for what he said about you, but sorry for being found out. After all what are these politicians? merely leeches, looking after their own interests & feathering their own nests, & trying not to be found out in the prosscess. How many MP's do we here of fighting to keep the roof over their heads after losing their job.? NONE. What do they do for the working man,? Nothing. I too am abstaining from voting, & will probably never vote again. I am a 70 year old woman who served her country in the 50's & was taught never to speak out against my country
but now I feel so sad for the generation that has worked so hard in the past & is treated with so little respect. May I & my family wish you our very best wishes for the future,& hope that in time your pain & embarrasement will ease. The free speech for which our father's fought & died must never be allowed to be silenced . God Bless you my dear & believe me you have a large following who believe you did no wrong . An admiring friend, Mrs Vivienne Gunning. Swansea, South Wales

1 comment:

  1. Not voting only allows the crooks & fixers to get into power. IMHO if you don't vote then you can't complain about who does get into power.

    One of my friends is going to vote for 'the Party he hates the least' as he thinks they're all pretty rotten.


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