Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Summer of discontent.Bitter Winter
While I have been writing this the news is Brown has gone so belay the first part above. But you all have Mrs Duffy to thank for showing Brown up for what he is. A bigot.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Lib Blast Con
Time 18:19
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Let Sunlight into the Backrooms
The LibDems are haggling in a backroom in Smith Square because they can’t fit inside their HQ in Cowley Street.
When Clegg comes out of the negotiating room he should explain clearly what his party’s position is going to be during intra-party negotiations to the media and thus to the voters. Otherwise it will be a bad foretaste of what would happen under proportional representation. A system where deals are stitched up in backrooms by politicians without reference to voters is not much of a democracy.
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Clegg Hangs Up On Brown
People will rise against bank bailouts globally
Gerald Celente is usually on the mark when it comes to the money. So when I saw this video on the RT Youtube channel I thought I'd give it a UK airing as it looks like what Greece is having for breakfast today is dinner for us in the not too distant future.
Mrs Duffy recommends buying gold and silver ASAPNigel Farage Air crash

Circumstance around the plane crash carrying UKIP candidate Nigel Farage are being questioned with some suspicion. I have to look at it that way after Mr Farage's attack last month on the president of the EU Von Rumpey,see video below.Chris Adams, Ukip parliamentary candidate for Aylesbury, said: "Nigel was unconscious but he can talk. He's been coming in and out of consciousness and is now being X-rayed."
This is some of the CAA rules for towing banners
update. The aircraft has been involved in a previous minor accident in the past.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Lisbon Treaty needs re-ratification
Pass this on ASAP
Although I do not live in the UK any more (thank God), I still take an interest in what’s going on. I thought that Tony Blair was a very bad, ‘money grabbing bastard’ but Gordon Brown makes him look like a naive girl scout.
Here are just a few interesting facts about Gordon Brown
The UK used to have 6 independent regulators to regulate the different divisions
of the financial services industry, including our Banks.
(Margaret Thatcher knew what the Banks were like and in the 1988 Finance Act she bound the Banks up in regulation to prevent them from being reckless!!!)
Then Gordon Brown became Chancellor on 6th May 1997
Gordon’s banker friends said “We want all these regulators to go”
“We don’t want regulators watching everything we do”
So, Gordon announced on the 20th May 1997 (2 weeks after becoming Chancellor) that the six regulatory bodies would be broken up and a new Financial Services Authority would replace them. The FSA had virtually no powers over the Banks and he also took away the powers from the Bank of England to enforce regulation on them.
The result is the devastation we are all suffering today.
The UK used to have a Monopolies and Mergers Commission
Then Gordon’s banker friends said we don’t want the Monopolies and Mergers commission telling us who we can and cant “Take Over”
So, in 1998 Gordon scrapped the Monopolies and Mergers Commission and created a replacement called the Competition Commission, with very much reduced powers and different ideas of what used to be regarded as a “Monopoly”.
The result is the Massive Corporations we have today who are ruling and shaping our lives for their own benefit and profits. Not to mention the massive Monopolies held by some of these corporations through the forced purchases of all their competitors
The UK used to have pension regulations, which for many decades had included something called “The Pensions Cap”
The pensions cap set a limit on how much pension any scheme member (including directors) could get from an occupational pension scheme, irrespective of how high their earnings were. It was there to protect the ordinary member’s pensions. To prevent Directors paying themselves obscene salaries and then draining the pension funds with huge pensions.
Then Gordon Brown’s banker friends said that they wanted the pensions cap removing so that they could get pensions related to their obscene earnings.
(The whole Pensions industry gave him warnings of the effects it would have. Even the Inland Revenue put forward objections)
Because Gordon never likes to disappoint his banker friends
So Gordon took away the Pensions Cap in 2005 and then some of his friends were able to leave their boardroom positions with huge pensions!!!
For example Fred Goodwin was apparently entitled to a pension of over £700,000
If Gordon had left the pensions cap in place that would have been a mere £125,000
Well done Fred and your mates!!!
(The Superannuation’s Division of the Inland Revenue have kept a record of what it should be, in readiness for when we get a new chancellor who sees fit to re-instate it. George Osborn has pledged to do that). The record of Pensions Cap limits are available to view on the Revenue’s website
The result of this is that along with Gordon’s “Tax Raid” on pension funds starting July 1997, over four thousand UK company pension scheme’s have closed their doors to new members and many of them have had to close down altogether, leaving millions of workers without any pension provision.
This man Gordon Brown “professes to be a socialist and “for” the working man
The working man’s main form of long term financial security had for many years been his company pension scheme, something to look forward to at the end of a life of hard work, his reward, light at the end of a long dark tunnel.
Gordon has put an end to that by destroying the most valuable asset
of the average British worker.
Have you noticed that we were the first to be in it and are the last to be out
(and whether we are out is very speculative!!!)
As he has openly admitted, The Royal Bank of Scotland was the world’s biggest bank.
So when RBS and HBOS were about to go BUST in October 2008 they had to be bailed out overnight so they did not take the entire country down with them, (that by the way was almost certainly a decision made by the hierarchy in Whitehall for which Gordon loves to take the credit)
As the worlds leading banks now all lend money to each other on a colossal scale, isn’t it obvious that the world’s biggest bank going down would have a devastating effect on all the others it dealt with.
This “world’s biggest bank” had also sold bad mortgage books to other banks.
Most of the Banks in Europe which ran into crisis were dragged into it because of the crooked dealings of our big Banks. A fact that both Germany and France were quick to remind Gordon Brown of at the G20 emergency meeting shortly after the crisis.
There are many more Gordon indiscretions, far too many to list here, but perhaps the few biggie’s shown above will give some insight into how Gordon operates.
By the way, have you noticed how he has suddenly become interested in Social issues now an election is looming and seems to be able to promise the world when, as Alistair Darling put it a few days ago, there is not a penny left in the bank!!!
Think very carefully before casting your vote for this man who is probably the most extreme capitalist of the past century while pretending to be “for the working man”.
Please pass this on to all you can, the whole population should know these few facts before the election.
Mrs Duffy Political Agony Aunt
Monday, 3 May 2010
The UN United States of Europe
Sunday, 2 May 2010
What a week
Mose, Chapter 94
2. And they were benders. And had no starter’s paste. Neither had they any shame.
3. And MincyBotty spake unto Mose, saying : Thou art indeed the one destined to lead the sheeple out of the desert, but they have forsaken thee, and gone their own way, and no longer heed thy voice or fulminations.
4. And Mose waxéd wroth, and lifted up his voice and said : Oh hear ye, tribes that owe allegiance to ME. For I have savéd the world, and all that therein is. And no thing is my fault, neither can any blame be cast upon me.
5. For have I not fixéd the roof in weather that was good, such that no water, or debt or bust appeareth. Neither shall any man owe more than he hath, except he that hath nothing, and then he is mine completely, and jobsworths will give him parchment upon which to declare his penury.
6. And a poor widow approached Mose. And opening her mouth, said unto Mose. For these many years, I and my forbears have followed thy teachings and those that came before thee.
7. But I am poor, and an widow. And cannot get that which I need in the way of sustenance.
8. And Mose, gurning, and with stupid grin and weird jaw movement, answereth, and saith unto her. Go now to the jobsworths and fill in yet more parchment that they may assess thy case.
9. But the poor widow lifted up her voice, and said, Yet these many times have I done this, and with no result.
10. And Mose being troubled in his heart, answered and prissily said under his breath, said, Truly thou art getting on my tits, and fain would I have thee taken away. But yet, because others watch, will I try to humour thee.
11. But the poor widow, not content, continued and belaboured Mose with questions about tribute that was owed, and that was given to people from other tribes and lands, with shelter and food also.
12. And Mose, smirked, but inwardly snarled and wished the poor woman trouble him no more.
13. And getting into his chariot he uttered the truth that was in heart, and many of the sheeple heard it. And knew Mose was every bit the liar and hypocrite that he was.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
brown cont
‘Then I asked him about all this trouble with the volcanic ash cloud. I said if we’re in the EU, why were people allowed to charge stranded tourists €500 for a coach ticket to take them to Calais – that’s €500 for children as well?
‘Why didn’t the other European governments step in to stop that? And what happens now?
‘When the airports were closed, the volcanic ash was top priority but now they’re open, it’s just disappeared – how can that be? The volcano’s still erupting and people need help and advice on claiming compensation, but it’s just disappeared off the map, hasn’t it?’
A lovely letter from Viv Gunning
but now I feel so sad for the generation that has worked so hard in the past & is treated with so little respect. May I & my family wish you our very best wishes for the future,& hope that in time your pain & embarrasement will ease. The free speech for which our father's fought & died must never be allowed to be silenced . God Bless you my dear & believe me you have a large following who believe you did no wrong . An admiring friend, Mrs Vivienne Gunning. Swansea, South Wales
Brown cont
‘He said, “You do know my father was a Presbyterian minister and I was brought up with family values.”
‘I told him that my family had worked hard all our lives.
‘My brother was a bricklayer. My father was a window-cleaner, my husband was a painter and decorator and they were both strong union men. I worked in the council education department for 30 years, as a supervisor and escorting disabled children to and from school, looking after them.
‘None of us have ever been in any trouble. And all of us have had to work all our lives and this country’s fetched up a generation of people who won’t work.
‘Well, he just said, “I’m so sorry – please take my apology.”
‘I said, “You know, Gordon, my father was a very politically minded man and very argumentative. He upset a lot of people and he would say to me, “Don’t worry about it, Gillian, you can always say sorry.” I told him, “No, Dad, it doesn’t work like that, sorry is a very easy word.”
‘I said, “I’m sorry for you, Gordon, because you have more to lose than me. I’m very sorry that this has happened but it’s you who’s going to lose out not me.”’
If there were a point where Mr Brown realised that this was not going to be an easy ‘in and out’ visit that was probably it. He looked at the 65-year-old earnestly blinking at him through her spectacles and tried a different strategy: ‘Have you met Sarah?’ he asked.
Even as she recounts this today, Gillian looks bewildered by the shift in conversation. ‘Well, how would I have met his wife?’ she says sensibly.
‘He spoke a lot about Sarah. He said she was a good woman and he asked whether I knew he had two lads and I said yes. Well, I knew he had two children, I didn’t know they were both lads.
‘Then he asked, “Do you ever come down to London?” And said, “If you ever come down you must come to No10 and meet me and Sarah.”
‘Well, I just looked at him. I didn’t like to say it, but all I could think was, “I don’t think you’ll be there.”’
Besides, Gillian didn’t want to exchange awkward small-talk with the Prime Minister, she wanted to talk to him about the things that matter. She raised the subject which had sparked the whole saga in the first place:
‘I said to him, “What are you going to do about the debt, Gordon? Greece is down and now Spain and Portugal have lost their credit rating. Who’s next?” I’m going on holiday to Canada and I used to get $2.50 to the £1. When I go to change my currency this time I’ll be lucky if I get $1.50
On holiday in Margate as a young girl with mother Nellie and father Walter (right) and other family members
What Gorden said.
"What hurt most was being called that woman".
"It's no way to talk of someone that is it? As if I'm to be brushed away. Why couldn't he have said, 'that lady?'
"He asked, 'Do you ever come down to London? If you ever come down you must come to No10 and meet me and Sarah. 'Well, I just looked at him. I didn't like to say it, but all I could think was, "I don't think you'll be there.'"
Mrs Duffy what do you think of a hung parliament?
Grow your own food,oh and watch out for Monsanto
Would rebuilding the old manufacturing base fix the economy? No,not a chance. We can’t compete with the rest of the world on that score. Our Green laws stop us there, no coal fired power while China and India blaze away. Raw materials.? They’re rarer now and the rest of the world are awake to the value of them, not like in the days when we were the industrial revolution pirates. So really the problem is population and resources. There are too many of us and not enough to go round. Gone are the days of cannon fodder wars to get the numbers down, Gone are the days of a dumb population, in this respect. Even a try at a virus into the pool failed. What is an elite to do?.It looks like Ghia will get to choose,nature usually does in the end.
In the meantime if you have any garden get it planted. Save all your bio degradable waste for fertiliser as oil has had it's day. BP is looking at it's own demise with this spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
United we fall. Divided we win
I asked, what you would describe as a Chav what he wanted to become a part of society. He said he did not want to be a part of it but wanted to be self reliant. He wanted his own piece of Earth (His words) that he could grow and rear his own food on, ” I mean it’s a big planet, there’s enough of it to go round isn’t there”?.
A simple solution to a complex problem and one no number of reasons could shake his belief in that he had a birthright to a little bit of the planet he was born on.
What do you think?
Fluffy wants to know were they're all coming from
A Bedtime Tale of Fluffy the Sheepdog
Once upon a time there was a sheepdog named Fluffy. When he was a puppy he was treated so well and played often with the children who loved him. He had a large kennel that was heated in the winter and as he learned to work for his masters he was a very happy dog.
Then one day his masters decided to adopt stray dogs who were not Sheepdogs. Fluffy did not mind having to move from his big kennel to a smaller one and to share his food since he was a happy dog and he was pleased to have lots of new friends to see back at home after his hard days work since the children were by then tired from playing with the stray dogs.
Over time, however his masters needed Fluffy to work harder and for longer hours because he was the only dog who knew how to herd sheep. Sometimes fluffy got so tired that he tried to lie down and sleep. When this happened his masters scolded and kicked him for being a lazy dog, which made fluffy feel hopelessly sad and lonely.
One Winter it was exceedingly cold and Fluffy felt so unhappy living in his unheated kennel with just one small meal a day that he longed to be in the larger and warmer kennel where the stray dogs were so warm, well fed and comfy.
Tell me Daddy. What was the name of that horrible person who was Fluffy’s master?
Well if you want to know children it was Gordon.
What was Fluffy the sheepdog’s real name Daddy?
No it wasn’t actually (how did you guess). It was a lady sheepdog and her real name was Gillian – Gillian Fluffy.
Why did Fluffy not run away and find a new Master Daddy?
That’s the strangest thing children. Fluffy could have changed his master any time!
Friday, 30 April 2010
As soon as the man walks upstairs, the owner grabs the bill and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher.
The butcher takes the £100 and runs down the street to repay his debt to the sheep farmer.
The sheep farmer takes the £100 and heads off to pay his bill at the supplier of feed and fuel.
The guy at the Farmer’s Co-op takes the £100 and runs to pay his debt to the local prostitute, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer her services on credit.
The hooker rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill with the hotel owner.
The hotel proprietor then places the £100 back on the counter so the rich traveler will not suspect anything.
At that moment the traveler comes down the stairs, picks up the £100, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets the money, and leaves town.
No one produced anything.. No one earned anything.
However, the whole town is now out of debt and now looks to the future with a lot more optimism.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the British Government is conducting business today..
The Lesson unto NooGrinningBoringLiars is taken from Mose, Chapter 94, beginning at verse 1. says: